Variance Request

Variances Ensure a Fair Water Budget

Variances are a way to ensure fair and accurate water budgets for all customers, even those with unique circumstances.

East Valley Water District understands the variety of water needs of our community, and is committed to treating all our customers respectfully. The District has developed a variance policy that budgets additional water for pool filling, licensed care facilities, medical needs, larger number of people in a household and other unique circumstances.

To request a water budget assumption adjustment or submit for a special circumstance allowance access the variance request form below or contact Customer Service:

If you have a variance included in your water budget, it will be listed on your water bill.

EVWD's Leak Adjustment Request Program

In addition to wasting precious resources, water leaks can result in unexpected, high bills. EVWD's proposed water budget rate structure enables the District to work with customers that have taken steps to repair large water leaks.

With the proposed Leak Adjustment Request Program, customers that discover a leak and repair it could call Customer Service or submit a Leak Adjustment Request form to apply for an account credit. In order to reward efficient water use, this leak variance policy would provide billing credits for addressing this common source of water waste.

Forms may be submitted by:


(909) 888-6741

East Valley Water District
Attn: Customer Service
31111 Greenspot Road
Highland, CA. 92346