Community Groups

East Valley Water District community groups are a great way for community members to get involved with the District and provide input on new programs and topics that interest them and their neighbors.

Individuals sitting in board room

Community Advisory Commission

The East Valley Water District Community Advisory Commission acts as a liaison between the District and the community it serves. Commissioners attend quarterly meetings to review, discuss, and provide valuable input into the District programs and services.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Customer of the District and reside within the District’s boundary.
  • Non-governing Board Member.
  • Able to serve a two-year term.
  • Able to participate in quarterly meetings.

Currently, there are no open positions to serve on the Community Advisory Commission. When a position opens, the District will promote the available seat on the District's website and social media channels.

Why Join an EVWD Community Group?

  • District community groups provide an opportunity for EVWD customers to get involved with the District.
  • Members provide input on topics that are of importance to them, their neighbors and the community.
  • Members provide input for new programs.
  • Members act as the voice of the community by providing a unique perspective.
  • Community groups are a great opportunity to learn about District programs and services.